Peace | Lemon (2021)
HD Video 9:49, color, binaural stereo sound
HD Video 9:49, color, binaural stereo sound
Following WWII, on May 3 1947, Japan received a new constitution which was heavily influenced by U.S. policymakers, specifically General Douglas MacArthur, and in 1952, a second security treaty was signed which allowed for the housing of U.S. military bases within Japan.
The U.S.-Japan relationship, although today widely accepted, was heavily contested during these post-war years. Detractors, like those within the student movement and the New Left, warned of the treaties leading to a gradual erosion of the Japanese Diet's authority, as well as the potential involvement of Japan's Self-Defense Forces alongside U.S. armies. These movements, which began with demonstrations, gradually became more and more radicalised, with Molotov cocktail attacks, bombings, and plane hijackings becoming key forms of protest before gradually shifting underground.
Japan was, during the 1970s, an advanced country in the field of terrorism, starkly contrasting its current image of low crime and safety. Large-scale bombings occurred throughout the decade where the Japanese Red Army for example engaged in international coordination between terrorist organisations with several countries, a common tactic employed by 21st century international terrorist organisations. *1
Peace | Lemon explores these stories through a word association game surrounding two motifs: a can of tobacco and a lemon. The video is accompanied by a subtitle track explaining the two motif’s unique historical contexts. Meanwhile, the artist interprets the fantasy and fetishistic world of post-war Japanese protestors, moving through images and sound in a ‘satisfying video’ style. The video is further accompanied by ASMR dubbing, recording binaural triggers for viewers.
Chapter 1.
Peace Tobacco: The package of this tobacco was re-designed by Raymond Loewy, an American Commercial designer also credited with the production of the Lucky Strike packaging, in 1952. The packaging design features a pigeon holding an olive leaf in its mouth and is a direct reference to the Old Testament symbol of peace. After Leowy’s redesign, Peace Tobacco tripled in sales in just one year and is considered a commercial design success story. His design also had a significant influence on the Japanese industry during the reconstruction period. *2
Chapter 2.
Expression of the sense of touch on the short story “Lemon”:
The coldness of the lemon was indescribably good. [...] It was pleasant as if the coldness was seeping through the palm holding it. [...]
It seems strange to me that such a simple sense of cold, touch, smell and sight felt so good to me as if I had been looking for this all those years ago [...] I put the lemon on a dirty hand towel or on a cloak and see the reflection of the colors, or I was thinking about this,
-- So that's the weight! -- *3
The coldness of the lemon was indescribably good. [...] It was pleasant as if the coldness was seeping through the palm holding it. [...]
It seems strange to me that such a simple sense of cold, touch, smell and sight felt so good to me as if I had been looking for this all those years ago [...] I put the lemon on a dirty hand towel or on a cloak and see the reflection of the colors, or I was thinking about this,
-- So that's the weight! -- *3
Chapter 3.
The Television: First published in 1982, this is one of Japan's most famous TV information magazines. It is easily recognizable as every actor or singer on its cover holds a lemon in their hands. This strange motif is used to prove that every cover photo is a freshly taken, unique image rather than a stock photo. Using the lemon as a metaphor for a bomb, pictures on the cover of ‘The Television’ such as Mickey Mouse can be interpreted as the United States simultaneously bringing the atomic bomb and peace to Japan after WWII.
Chapter 5.
Pi Kan [píː kæn] : This is a slang term in the Japanese film industry which roughly translates to a ‘cloudless blue sky.’ There are many theories as to the origin of this term. Some argue that it is a reference to the deep blue color of the package of a can of Peace tobacco (pea can), however this is disputed. The photo of a hand holding a peace can was taken with a background of the blue sky of Palermo in Sicily, a city famous for its lemon production.
Atomic Sunshine: General Whitney, Director of the Government Section of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), said these words at the drafting of the Japanese Constitution with the new Japanese government in March 1946. "We've just been basking in the warmth of the atomic sunshine.” *4
Atomic Sunshine: General Whitney, Director of the Government Section of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), said these words at the drafting of the Japanese Constitution with the new Japanese government in March 1946. "We've just been basking in the warmth of the atomic sunshine.” *4
M26 grenade: A grenade developed by the US military during the 1950s which has been adopted by nine countries, including Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force. (The US military has now replaced it by the M67). It is nicknamed as "Lemon" because of its shape. *5
*1 Kato (2015) Lessons to be Learned from the International Terrorism Incident: In response to the ISIL Incident. Institute for International Socio-Economic Studies, Last accessed: August 1 2020
*2 Topics: Design Change of Peace,Various topics of tobacco and salt, Tobacco & Salt Museum, Last Accessed: July 15. 2020
*3 Kajii, Motojiro (1925) Lemon. Aozora Bunko, Last Accessed: July 4. 2020, translated by the Artist
*4 Gayn, Mark (1989) Japan Diary. Vermont: Tuttle Publishing
*5 Akira Sakamoto (2019) The Perfect Guide to the World's Most Powerful Infantry Equipment. Electronic Edition. Tokyo: Gakken Plus
*2 Topics: Design Change of Peace,Various topics of tobacco and salt, Tobacco & Salt Museum, Last Accessed: July 15. 2020
*3 Kajii, Motojiro (1925) Lemon. Aozora Bunko, Last Accessed: July 4. 2020, translated by the Artist
*4 Gayn, Mark (1989) Japan Diary. Vermont: Tuttle Publishing
*5 Akira Sakamoto (2019) The Perfect Guide to the World's Most Powerful Infantry Equipment. Electronic Edition. Tokyo: Gakken Plus

Peace | Lemon(2021)
映像とサウンドでは爆弾犯の妄想世界を2020年的解釈で表現。バイノーラル録音を用いたASMR / Satisfyingなサウンドは、観客の耳から脳を直接揺さぶるような感覚を起こさせる。
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
その檸檬の冷たさはたとえようもなくよかった。[…] 握っている掌から身内に浸み透ってゆくようなその冷たさは快いものだった。
実際あんな単純な冷覚や触覚や嗅覚や視覚が、ずっと昔からこればかり探していたのだと言いたくなったほど私にしっくりしたなんて私は不思議に思える [...] 汚れた手拭の上へ載せてみたりマントの上へあてがってみたりして色の反映を量はかったり、またこんなことを思ったり、
――つまりはこの重さなんだな。―― *3
――つまりはこの重さなんだな。―― *3
Chapter 3.
ザ・テレビジョン :1982年に創刊された、日本で最も有名なテレビ情報誌の一つ。表紙を飾る俳優や歌手が手にレモンを持っているのが特徴。これは、すべての表紙写真がストックフォトではなく、撮り下ろしであることを証明するためのもの。この作品内ではレモンは爆弾のメタファーであり、ミッキーマウスがレモンを持っている表紙写真は、第二次世界大戦後にアメリカが日本に原爆と平和を同時にもたらした事の象徴。
ザ・テレビジョン :1982年に創刊された、日本で最も有名なテレビ情報誌の一つ。表紙を飾る俳優や歌手が手にレモンを持っているのが特徴。これは、すべての表紙写真がストックフォトではなく、撮り下ろしであることを証明するためのもの。この作品内ではレモンは爆弾のメタファーであり、ミッキーマウスがレモンを持っている表紙写真は、第二次世界大戦後にアメリカが日本に原爆と平和を同時にもたらした事の象徴。
Chapter 5.
ピーカン [píː kæn] :意味は「雲ひとつない青空」。日本の映画業界等で使われる俗語。この用語の起源についてはさまざまな説がある。そのうち一つは、ピースたばこの缶(ピー缶)の深い青色のパッケージに由来するという説。ピース缶を手に持った写真の背景は、レモンの産地として有名なシチリア島のパレルモの青空である。
アトミック・サンシャイン :1946年3月、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ)民政局長ホイットニー准将は、新政府による日本国憲法の起草の席にいた。彼は休憩時間から戻ってきた際にこう述べた。「我々は今、原子力的な日光の中でひなたぼっこをしていましたよ」*4
*1 加藤 (2015) Lessons to be Learned from the International Terrorism Incident: In response to the ISIL Incident. 国際社会経済研究所, Last accessed: August 1 2020
*2 ピースのデザイン改装 ,たばこと塩の博物館 Last Accessed: July 15. 2020
*3 梶井, 基次郎 (1925) 檸檬 青空文庫, Last Accessed: July 4. 2020
*4 Gayn, Mark (1989) Japan Diary. Vermont: Tuttle Publishing
*5 坂本, 明 (2019) 世界の歩兵装備パーフェクトガイド 東京: 学研Plus
*2 ピースのデザイン改装 ,たばこと塩の博物館 Last Accessed: July 15. 2020
*3 梶井, 基次郎 (1925) 檸檬 青空文庫, Last Accessed: July 4. 2020
*4 Gayn, Mark (1989) Japan Diary. Vermont: Tuttle Publishing
*5 坂本, 明 (2019) 世界の歩兵装備パーフェクトガイド 東京: 学研Plus